Thursday, July 1, 2021




Subject English

Section I ( Language Part)

Part A

  • Unseen passage for comprehension. 
Here, in this part if you want to score good you must have good command over grammar structures and vocabulary . 
Tip : Practice daily one unseen passage and analyze grammatical structures and learn the new words with sentences . 

 Part B (Grammar)

Tip : 

  • Make a daily plan for writing a paragraph.
  • Try to use all these parts in that paragraph.
  • Keep in mind the punctuation and and tenses .

following are the topics you must practice . 

  •   Parts of Speech,
  •  Spelling,
  •   Punctuation
  •     Vocabulary
  •    Tense
  •     Narration
  •     Preposition Usage
  •     Transformation and Agreement

 To watch grammar topics click here.

Section II Literature

Tips : 

  • Study complete history of English literature ages wise. 
  • Practice MCQ topic wise daily. 

  • Part A

    Forms of Literature

  • Part B

    Authors and Their Work

Ø Shakespeare (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)

Ø John Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674)

Ø William Wordsworth ( 7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850)

Ø John Galsworthy (14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933)

  • Part C  

    Literary Forms

    Literary Terms

    History of English Literature

Ø Old English Period

Ø Middle English Period

Ø ChaucerAge

Ø Elizabethan Age

Ø Jacobean Age

Ø Puritan Age

Ø Restoration Age

Ø Transitional Age

Ø Romantics Age

Ø Victorian Age

Ø Modern Age

Ø Post Modern Age

Shakespeare's Plays in Chronological Order

  • "Henry VI Part I" (1589–1590)
  • "Henry VI Part II" (1590–1591)
  • "Henry VI Part III" (1590–1591)
  • "Richard III" (1592–1593)
  • "The Comedy of Errors" (1592–1593)
  • "Titus Andronicus" (1593–1594)
  • "The Taming of the Shrew" (1593–1594)
  • "The Two Gentlemen of Verona" (1594–1595)
  • "Love’s Labour’s Lost" (1594–1595)
  • "Romeo and Juliet" (1594–1595)
  • "Richard II" (1595–1596)
  • "A Midsummer Night’s Dream" (1595–1596)
  • "King John" (1596–1597)
  • "The Merchant of Venice" (1596–1597)
  • "Henry IV Part I" (1597–1598)
  • "Henry IV Part II" (1597–1598)
  • "Much Ado About Nothing" (1598–1599)
  • "Henry V" (1598–1599)
  • "Julius Caesar" (1599–1600)
  • "As You Like It" (1599–1600)
  • "Twelfth Night" (1599–1600)
  • "Hamlet" (1600–1601)
  • "The Merry Wives of Windsor" (1600–1601)
  • "Troilus and Cressida" (1601–1602)
  • "All’s Well That Ends Well" (1602–1603)
  • "Measure for Measure" (1604–1605)
  • "Othello" (1604–1605)
  • "King Lear" (1605–1606)
  • "Macbeth" (1605–1606)
  • "Antony and Cleopatra" (1606–1607)
  • "Coriolanus" (1607–1608)
  • "Timon of Athens" (1607–1608)
  • "Pericles" (1608–1609)
  • "Cymbeline" (1609–1610)
  • "The Winter’s Tale" (1610–1611)
  • "The Tempest" (1611–1612)
  • "Henry VIII" (1612–1613)
  • "The Two Noble Kinsmen" (1612–1613)

Shakespeare Poems

  • Lucrece 
  • The Phoenix and Turtle
  • 154 Sonnets
  • Venus and Adonis

Genres in Shakespeare Works


  • All’s Well That Ends Well
  • As You Like It
  • The Comedy of Errors
  • Love's Labour's Lost
  • Measure for Measure
  • The Merchant of Venice
  • The Merry Wives of Windsor
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • The Taming of the Shrew
  • The Tempest
  • Twelfth Night
  • The Two Gentlemen of Verona
  • The Winter's Tale


  • Antony and Cleopatra
  • Coriolanus
  • Cymbeline
  • Hamlet
  • Julius Caesar
  • King Lear
  • Macbeth
  • Othello
  • Romeo and Juliet
  • Timon of Athens
  • Titus Andronicus
  • Troilus and Cressida


  • Henry IV Part I
  • Henry IV Part II
  • Henry V
  • Henry VI Part I
  • Henry VI Part II
  • Henry VI Part III
  • Henry VIII
  • King John
  • Richard II
  • Richard III

Four Roman plays

  • Julius Caesar
  • Antony and Cleopatra
  • Coriolanus
  • Titus Andronicus


  • Cymbeline
  • Pericles
  • The Tempest
  • The Winter’s Tale

Three Problem Plays

  • All's Well That Ends Well
  • Measure for Measure  and
  • Troilus and Cressida.


John Milton Works in Chronological Order

Poetry and drama     

·        On the Morning of Christ's Nativity 1629

·        On Shakespeare 1630

·        On Arriving at the Age of Twenty-Three 1631

·        L'Allegro  1632

·        Il Penseroso 1632

·        A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, commonly known as Comus (a masque) 1634

·        Lycidas 1637

·        Poems of Mr John Milton, Both English and Latin  1645

·        When I Consider How My Light is Spent (Commonly referred to as "On his blindness")  1652

·        On the Late Massacre in Piedmont  1655

·        Paradise Lost 1667

·        Paradise Regained 1671

·        Samson Agonistes  1671

·        Poems, &c, Upon Several Occasions 1673

·        Arcades: a masque. (date is unknown).

·        On his Deceased wife, To The Nightingale, On reaching the Age of twenty four.


·        Of Reformation 1641

·        Of Prelatical Episcopacy 1641

·        Animadversions 1641

·        The Reason of Church-Government Urged against Prelaty 1642

·        Apology for Smectymnuus 1642

·        Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 1643

·        Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce 1644

·        Of Education 1644

·        Areopagitica 1644

·        Tetrachordon 1645

·        Colasterion 1645

·        The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 1649

·        Eikonoklastes 1649

·        Defensio pro Populo Anglicano [First Defence] 1651

·        Defensio Secunda [Second Defence] 1654

·        A Treatise of Civil Power 1659

·        The Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings from the Church 1659

·        The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Commonwealth 1660

·        Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon 1660

·        Accedence Commenced Grammar 1669

·        The History of Britain 1670

·        Artis logicae plenior institutio [Art of Logic] 1672

·        Of True Religion 1673

·        Epistolae Familiaries 1674

·        Prolusiones 1674

·        A brief History of Moscovia, and other less known Countries lying Eastward of Russia as far as Cathay, gathered from the writings of several Eye-witnesses 1682

·        De Doctrina Christiana 1823


William Wordsworth Works in Chronological Order

·        Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems 1798

·        "Simon Lee"

·        "We are Seven"

·        "Lines Written in Early Spring"

·        "Expostulation and Reply"

·        "The Tables Turned"

·        "The Thorn"

·        "Lines Composed A Few Miles above Tintern Abbey"

·        Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems  1800

·        Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

·        "Strange fits of passion have I known"

·        "She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways"

·        "Three years she grew"

·        "A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal"

·        "I travelled among unknown men"

·        "Lucy Gray"

·        "The Two April Mornings"

·        "The Solitary Reaper"

·        "Nutting"

·        "The Ruined Cottage"

·        "Michael"

·        "The Kitten at Play"

·        Poems, in Two Volumes 1807

·        "Resolution and Independence"

·        "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" Also known as "Daffodils"

·        "My Heart Leaps Up"

·        "Ode: Intimations of Immortality"

·        "Ode to Duty"

·        "The Solitary Reaper"

·        "Elegiac Stanzas"

·        "Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802"

·        "London, 1802"

·        "The World Is Too Much with Us"

·        "French Revolution" 1810

·        Guide to the Lakes 1810

·        "To the Cuckoo"

·        The Excursion 1814

·        Laodamia 1815, 1845

·        The White Doe of Rylstone 1815

·        Peter Bell 1819

·        Ecclesiastical Sonnets 1822

·        The Prelude 1850


John Galsworthy Works in Chronological Order

Important Works       

·        From the Four Winds, 1897 (as John Sinjohn)

·        Jocelyn, 1898 (as John Sinjohn)

·        Villa Rubein and Other Stories, 1900 (as John Sinjohn)

·        A Man of Devon, 1901 (as John Sinjohn)

·        The Island Pharisees, 1904

·        The Silver Box, 1906 (his first play)

·        The Country House, 1907

·        A Commentary, 1908

·        Fraternity, 1909

·        A Justification for the Censorship of Plays, 1909

·        Strife, 1909 (a play)

·        Joy, 1909 (a play)

·        Justice, 1910 (a play)

·        A Motley, 1910

·        The Spirit of Punishment, 1910

·        Horses in Mines, 1910

·        The Patrician, 1911

·        The Little Dream, 1911 (a play)

·        The Pigeon, 1912 (a play)

·        The Eldest Son, 1912 (a play)

·        Quality, 1912, an essay

·        Moods, Songs, and Doggerels, 1912

·        For Love of Beasts, 1912

·        The Inn of Tranquility, 1912, an essay

·        Addresses in America, 1912, essays

·        The Dark Flower, 1913

·        The Fugitive, 1913 (a play)

·        Treatment of Animals, 1913

·        The Slaughter of Animals For Food, 1913

·        The Mob, 1914 (a play)

·        The Freelands, 1915

·        The Little Man, 1915 (a play)

·        A Bit o' Love, 1915 (a play)

·        A Sheaf, 1916

·        Beyond, 1917

·        Five Tales, 1918 (Contents: "The First and Last," "A Stoic," "The Apple Tree," "The Juryman," and "Indian Summer of a Forsyte" (the first interlude of The Forsyte Saga)

·        Saint's Progress, 1919

·        Tatterdemalion (short stories), 1920

·        The Foundations, 1920 (a play)

·        The Skin Game, 1920 (a play)

·        A Family Man, 1922 (a play)

·        Loyalties, 1922 (a play)

·        Windows, 1922 (a play)

·        Captures, 1923

·        Abracadabra, 1924

·        The Forest, 1924

·        Old English, 1924

·        The Show, 1925

·        Caravan: The Assembled Tales of John Galsworthy, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1925

·        Escape, 1926 (a play)

·        Verses New and Old, 1926 (poems)

·        Castles in Spain, 1927

·        The Manaton Edition, 1923–26 (collection, 30 vols.)

·        Bambi, Mar 16, 1928, wrote the foreword to Felix Salten's now famous novel

·        Exiled, 1929

·        The Roof, 1929

·        Two Essays on Conrad, 1930

·        Soames and the Flag, 1930

·        The Creation of Character in Literature, 1931 (The Romanes Lecture for 1931).

·        Forty Poems, 1932

·        Autobiographical Letters of Galsworthy: A Correspondence with Frank Harris, 1933

·        The Grove Edition, 1927–34 (collection, 27 Vols.)

·        Collected Poems, 1934

·        Punch and Go, 1935 (a play)

·        The Life and Letters, 1935

·        The Winter Garden, 1935

·        Forsytes, Pendyces and Others, 1935

·        Selected Short Stories, 1935

·        Glimpses and Reflections, 1937

·        Galsworthy's Letters to Leon Lion, 1968

·        Letters from John Galsworthy 1900–1932, 1970






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Author & Editor

Kaushik Kumar

Lec. English


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