Subject English
Section I ( Language Part)
Part A
- Unseen passage for comprehension.
Part B (Grammar)
Tip :
- Make a daily plan for writing a paragraph.
- Try to use all these parts in that paragraph.
- Keep in mind the punctuation and and tenses .
following are the topics you must practice .
- Parts
of Speech,
- Spelling,
- Punctuation
- Vocabulary
- Tense
- Narration
- Preposition
- Transformation
and Agreement
Section II Literature
Tips :
- Study complete history of English literature ages wise.
- Practice MCQ topic wise daily.
- Part A
of Literature
- Part B
and Their Work
Ø Shakespeare
(26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616)
Ø John
Milton (9 December 1608 – 8 November 1674)
Ø William Wordsworth ( 7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850)
Galsworthy (14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933)
- Part C
of English Literature
Ø Old
English Period
Ø Middle
English Period
Ø Elizabethan
Ø Jacobean
Ø Puritan
Ø Restoration
Ø Transitional
Ø Victorian
Ø Post
Modern Age
Shakespeare's Plays in Chronological
- "Henry VI
Part I" (1589–1590)
- "Henry VI
Part II" (1590–1591)
- "Henry VI
Part III" (1590–1591)
- "Richard
III" (1592–1593)
- "The
Comedy of Errors" (1592–1593)
- "Titus
Andronicus" (1593–1594)
- "The
Taming of the Shrew" (1593–1594)
- "The Two
Gentlemen of Verona" (1594–1595)
- "Love’s
Labour’s Lost" (1594–1595)
- "Romeo and
Juliet" (1594–1595)
- "Richard
II" (1595–1596)
- "A
Midsummer Night’s Dream" (1595–1596)
- "King
John" (1596–1597)
- "The
Merchant of Venice" (1596–1597)
- "Henry IV
Part I" (1597–1598)
- "Henry IV
Part II" (1597–1598)
- "Much Ado
About Nothing" (1598–1599)
- "Henry
V" (1598–1599)
- "Julius
Caesar" (1599–1600)
- "As You
Like It" (1599–1600)
- "Twelfth
Night" (1599–1600)
- "Hamlet"
- "The Merry
Wives of Windsor" (1600–1601)
- "Troilus
and Cressida" (1601–1602)
- "All’s
Well That Ends Well" (1602–1603)
- "Measure
for Measure" (1604–1605)
- "Othello"
- "King
Lear" (1605–1606)
- "Macbeth"
- "Antony
and Cleopatra" (1606–1607)
- "Coriolanus"
- "Timon of
Athens" (1607–1608)
- "Pericles"
- "Cymbeline"
- "The
Winter’s Tale" (1610–1611)
- "The
Tempest" (1611–1612)
- "Henry
VIII" (1612–1613)
- "The Two
Noble Kinsmen" (1612–1613)
Shakespeare Poems
- Lucrece
- The Phoenix and Turtle
- 154 Sonnets
- Venus and Adonis
Genres in Shakespeare Works
- All’s Well That
Ends Well
- As You Like It
- The Comedy of
- Love's Labour's
- Measure for
- The Merchant of
- The Merry Wives
of Windsor
- A Midsummer
Night's Dream
- Much Ado About Nothing
- The Taming of
the Shrew
- The Tempest
- Twelfth Night
- The Two
Gentlemen of Verona
- The Winter's
- Antony and
- Coriolanus
- Cymbeline
- Hamlet
- Julius Caesar
- King Lear
- Macbeth
- Othello
- Romeo and
- Timon of Athens
- Titus
- Troilus and
- Henry IV Part I
- Henry IV Part
- Henry V
- Henry VI Part I
- Henry VI Part
- Henry VI Part
- Henry VIII
- King John
- Richard II
- Richard III
Four Roman plays
- Julius Caesar
- Antony and
- Coriolanus
- Titus
- Cymbeline
- Pericles
- The Tempest
- The Winter’s Tale
Three Problem Plays
- All's Well That Ends Well
- Measure for Measure and
- Troilus and Cressida.
John Milton Works in Chronological Order
Poetry and drama
On the Morning of Christ's Nativity 1629
On Shakespeare 1630
On Arriving at the Age of Twenty-Three 1631
Il Penseroso 1632
A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle, 1634, commonly
known as Comus (a masque) 1634
Lycidas 1637
Poems of Mr John Milton, Both English and Latin 1645
When I Consider How My Light is Spent (Commonly
referred to as "On his blindness") 1652
On the Late Massacre in Piedmont 1655
Paradise Lost 1667
Paradise Regained 1671
Samson Agonistes
Poems, &c, Upon Several Occasions 1673
Arcades: a masque. (date is unknown).
On his Deceased wife, To The Nightingale, On
reaching the Age of twenty four.
Of Reformation 1641
Of Prelatical Episcopacy 1641
Animadversions 1641
The Reason of Church-Government Urged against
Prelaty 1642
Apology for Smectymnuus 1642
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce 1643
Judgement of Martin Bucer Concerning Divorce 1644
Of Education 1644
Areopagitica 1644
Tetrachordon 1645
Colasterion 1645
The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates 1649
Eikonoklastes 1649
Defensio pro Populo Anglicano [First Defence] 1651
Defensio Secunda [Second Defence] 1654
A Treatise of Civil Power 1659
The Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings from the
Church 1659
The Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free
Commonwealth 1660
Brief Notes Upon a Late Sermon 1660
Accedence Commenced Grammar 1669
The History of Britain 1670
Artis logicae plenior institutio [Art of Logic]
Of True Religion 1673
Epistolae Familiaries 1674
Prolusiones 1674
A brief History of Moscovia, and other less known
Countries lying Eastward of Russia as far as Cathay, gathered from the writings
of several Eye-witnesses 1682
De Doctrina Christiana 1823
William Wordsworth Works in Chronological Order
Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems 1798
"Simon Lee"
"We are Seven"
"Lines Written in Early Spring"
"Expostulation and Reply"
"The Tables Turned"
"The Thorn"
"Lines Composed A Few Miles above Tintern
Lyrical Ballads, with Other Poems 1800
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
"Strange fits of passion have I known"
"She Dwelt among the Untrodden Ways"
"Three years she grew"
"A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal"
"I travelled among unknown men"
"Lucy Gray"
"The Two April Mornings"
"The Solitary Reaper"
"The Ruined Cottage"
"The Kitten at Play"
Poems, in Two Volumes 1807
"Resolution and Independence"
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" Also known
as "Daffodils"
"My Heart Leaps Up"
"Ode: Intimations of Immortality"
"Ode to Duty"
"The Solitary Reaper"
"Elegiac Stanzas"
"Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September
3, 1802"
"London, 1802"
"The World Is Too Much with Us"
"French Revolution" 1810
Guide to the Lakes 1810
"To the Cuckoo"
The Excursion 1814
Laodamia 1815, 1845
The White Doe of Rylstone 1815
Peter Bell 1819
Ecclesiastical Sonnets 1822
The Prelude 1850
John Galsworthy Works in Chronological
Important Works
From the Four Winds, 1897 (as John Sinjohn)
Jocelyn, 1898 (as John Sinjohn)
Villa Rubein and Other Stories, 1900 (as John
A Man of Devon, 1901 (as John Sinjohn)
The Island Pharisees, 1904
The Silver Box, 1906 (his first
The Country House, 1907
A Commentary, 1908
Fraternity, 1909
A Justification for the Censorship of Plays, 1909
Strife, 1909 (a play)
Joy, 1909 (a play)
Justice, 1910 (a play)
A Motley, 1910
The Spirit of Punishment, 1910
Horses in Mines, 1910
The Patrician, 1911
The Little Dream, 1911 (a play)
The Pigeon, 1912 (a play)
The Eldest Son, 1912 (a play)
Quality, 1912, an essay
Moods, Songs, and Doggerels, 1912
For Love of Beasts, 1912
The Inn of Tranquility, 1912, an essay
Addresses in America, 1912, essays
The Dark Flower, 1913
The Fugitive, 1913 (a play)
Treatment of Animals, 1913
The Slaughter of Animals For Food, 1913
The Mob, 1914 (a play)
The Freelands, 1915
The Little Man, 1915 (a play)
A Bit o' Love, 1915 (a play)
A Sheaf, 1916
Beyond, 1917
Five Tales, 1918 (Contents: "The First and
Last," "A Stoic," "The Apple Tree," "The
Juryman," and "Indian Summer of a Forsyte" (the first interlude
of The Forsyte Saga)
Saint's Progress, 1919
Tatterdemalion (short stories), 1920
The Foundations, 1920 (a play)
The Skin Game, 1920 (a play)
A Family Man, 1922 (a play)
Loyalties, 1922 (a play)
Windows, 1922 (a play)
Captures, 1923
Abracadabra, 1924
The Forest, 1924
Old English, 1924
The Show, 1925
Caravan: The Assembled Tales of John Galsworthy,
New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 1925
Escape, 1926 (a play)
Verses New and Old, 1926 (poems)
Castles in Spain, 1927
The Manaton Edition, 1923–26 (collection, 30 vols.)
Bambi, Mar 16, 1928, wrote the foreword to Felix
Salten's now famous novel
Exiled, 1929
The Roof, 1929
Two Essays on Conrad, 1930
Soames and the Flag, 1930
The Creation of Character in Literature, 1931 (The
Romanes Lecture for 1931).
Forty Poems, 1932
Autobiographical Letters of Galsworthy: A
Correspondence with Frank Harris, 1933
The Grove Edition, 1927–34 (collection, 27 Vols.)
Collected Poems, 1934
Punch and Go, 1935 (a play)
The Life and Letters, 1935
The Winter Garden, 1935
Forsytes, Pendyces and Others, 1935
Selected Short Stories, 1935
Glimpses and Reflections, 1937
Galsworthy's Letters to Leon Lion, 1968
Letters from John Galsworthy 1900–1932, 1970
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